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Petition: Prevention of desecration of the graves of the Irish founders and settlers of the City of Saint-Colomban

Update on the Petition

The petition is now closed for additional signatures. The Canadian Irish Migration Preservation Network is pleased to announce that we attracted a total of 435 signatures—a respectable number for this type of National Assembly petition, especially given the limited time available for signing. There was some confusion about whether individuals living outside of Quebec were eligible to sign.

An Lionra the CIMPN Newsletter

An LinoraWelcome to An Lionra the CIMPN Newsletter! 

We are proud to launch the inaugural issue of our newsletter

An Lionra (A Network)

The mission of the CIMPN is to commemorate, preserve, and celebrate the contributions of Irish immigrants throughout Canada and serve as a network to connect to organizations and individuals who are interested in our Irish history and culture.

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